Children Benefit from Family and General Dentistry Too

Children Benefit from Family and General Dentistry Too

Apr 15, 2022

We frequently get asked at our dental office, “When should I stop taking my child to a pediatric dentist and switch to a family dentist?” Although toddlers should start seeing a children’s dentist between the ages of two and five, a general and family dentist can treat their dental health.

An advantage to seeing one dentist in Lexington, MA, for your child’s dental care is that as their needs evolve into their teenage and young adult years, they can benefit from one dentist who has treated them their whole life. Why is this important? Children can develop dental anxiety at any point in their developing years. When they have the familiarity and trust of one dentist throughout their maturation, they are less likely to develop anxiety or find excuses to miss important dental care milestones.

As the premier children’s dentists in Lexington, MA, Dr. Eric Mandelbaum, Dr. Mike Mistretta, and Dr. James Park provide quality children’s and adult dentistry so that everyone in your family receives the same standard of care, making Lexington Dental Group one of the highest-rated family, general, and cosmetic dental offices near you.

With the convenience of a dentist providing children’s and adult dentistry, you’ll never have to worry about timing the transition from a pediatric dentist. If you’d like to learn more about the gentle, fun, and compassionate care that our doctors provide to patients of all ages, we invite you to explore our website, read our reviews, or give us a call.

Give Your Child the Gift of Confidence

Before we talk about essential treatments available in children’s dentistry, let’s look at how visiting a compassionate and fun children’s dentist builds confidence for your little one and provides peace of mind for you.

As much as parents want to believe that their child is brushing and flossing properly, children can be great at cutting corners and not using best practices behind the bathroom door. The dentist will help educate them about the importance of preventive dental care and make it fun to learn and something they’ll want to emulate at home. Plus, visiting the same dentist as you and seeing how confident you are during your appointments makes them less likely to develop dental anxiety.

Essential Treatments in Children’s Dentistry

Your child’s most necessary dental treatments are preventive care, dental sealants, fluoride treatment, and early orthodontic care. Let’s take a look at each one and its associated benefits.

Preventive care is not only an excellent way for your child to build confidence when visiting a dentist, but it’s a great budget-saver for you! When cavities and other minor concerns are detected and treated early, it can prevent more expensive and preventable dental work.

Dental sealants are a perfect example of a preventive treatment that can keep cavities and tooth decay at bay. The treatment is pain-free, quick, and simple. It’s a perfect trifecta to guard against the inconvenience and cost of future dental work.

Fluoride treatments are an ideal tandem procedure to protect against tooth decay. Because fluoride is a natural barrier against acidic sugars that can damage teeth enamel, treatment is beneficial for little ones who tend to eat candy and drink sugary beverages. Even if you don’t allow these in your home, children will be children. They may be tempted by them when outside of your view. The fluoride treatment will help put your mind at ease knowing that you’ve fortified the strength of your child’s tooth enamel with fluoride treatment from our dentist near you.

Early orthodontic care can also be a budget-saver in the long run. When you catch minor smile concerns such as overcrowded teeth early, there’s less chance of your child needing braces in their teen years. Should orthodontic treatment be required, all our doctors are Invisalign-approved dentists in Lexington, MA, who can customize your child’s smile with clear aligners.

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